It's a crazy life, but it's mine, and I love it.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Arizona is the only place where you run out of cold water in the shower.

Either that or my shower hates me.

Clearly I'm back in the land of the hellish heat. Hiding out in my apartment with two fans blowing directly on me at the same time. I wound up eating banana chips and grape tomatoes for dinner yesterday because it was too hot to go to the grocery store. Yup, feels like home.

The rest of my Washington trip was delightful. There is something inherently therapeutic about spending time in a farm town. Especially since I spent most of it curled up in the recliner in my parents room watching movies with my mom in my pjs. Yeah, good times. Once I walked into their room to find them watching Gladiator. So I sat down to join them. Then my mother started fast forwarding, but not through the gory scenes. Turns out we were only watching the battle scenes. That's how awesome my vacation was. I went to Spokane to see my brother, his wife and their new baby. My brother plays a game called "Where's Duncan?" Basically I close my eyes, he hides the baby and then I look for him. In case you are wondering how this works, here is a video of what I turned the corner and saw once while playing said game:

Yup, that's a baby under a coffee table. My mother felt the need to rescue him while I felt the need to take a video of his freaking adorable kicking legs.

In other kid news, my niece loves to be filmed. I took what felt like 100 videos of her telling stories about cowboys and pirates and something that lives in the tree at Grandma's house. In the end though, my questions about who was who in the family was my favorite video.

Sadly, I asked her this the first time without a camera and after she declares that I have no boyfriend she adds "you just have your mom." Good thing my mom is awesome.

Work starts again next Tuesday. It's both tragic and exciting. Tragic in the sense that I can no longer stay up until midnight or later on a weekday watching 30 Rock and Project Runway and exciting in the sense  that I get to go back to teaching, which I love. Also, crazy things my students say. I got a little preview this week at Freshmen Orientation. A student told me that I look like an evil vampire when I laugh. Not the first time I've heard this, I am unfazed. I also threw a packet of A&D ointment at a kid who said I was old (I was in the nurses office, I don't have packets of burn/diaper ointment in my classroom, but I'm thinking now it's a good idea). My new year's resolution, as always, is to write more bloggy posts, so look forward to that. 

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